Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Day in the Park

We took a run up to River Park in Kernville this morning. At around 10:30 am, it was probably 85 degrees, and a comfortable ten degrees cooler in the shade of those magnificent old cottonwood and willow trees. The cottonwoods were giving off their little white parachute seedlings and the air was full of flying fuzz, a virtual snowstorm of cotton. We had a picnic lunch and stayed till around noon, because it was getting too hot to stay outside.

As usual, we saw children in the river on rented inner tubes, and no life vests. All the way up the canyon, huge signs tell of the hundreds who have lost their lives in this raging river. But because the water looks smooth at this juncture of the river, people think they can ride the current and easily get back to shore. One adult (what an idiot) was on an inner tube riding along with a child of about 8 on a separate inner tube--no life vests. They were all lucky today, they made it to shore before reaching some treacherous rapids, and will live to risk their lives another day.

But where is the real responsibility? Shouldn't the outfit that rents the inner tubes make sure everyone also rents a life vest? Especially for those who are children under the age of 18?

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