Thursday, July 5, 2007

Holy Hot Days of Summer!!!

My porch thermometer registered a broiling 105 today and the old swamp cooler gave up the ghost. Well, not actually gave up the ghost, more like couldn't keep the house cool. When the inside temp reached 80, I had to crank up the a/c. Too bad, since my power bill this month was the lowest I've ever paid up here in the high country. It took a couple of hours to bring the temp down into the mid 70's, after which I shut down the a/c and turned the swamp cooler back on.

So, now I know what the swamp cooler is capable of. If outside temps don't go over the mid-90's, we're in good shape because the highest the inside temp will get is around 77, which is livable if you don't move around a lot. But when we hit triple digits, it's either everybody, including the cats, gets inside a cold shower, or we use the a/c for the hottest part of the day.

Looking forward to another scorcher tomorrow, then we're headed for a cooling trend, and back down into the 90's.

I heard on the telly this evening that our area has only had one triple-digit week this year, and the norm is to have experienced at least 5 triple-digit periods by the first of July. So, we're lucky.

I did a quick look around the yard this morning while it was still cool (80 or so) outside. The lilac bushes do an interesting thing when it gets this hot. The leaves close up like little pita breads. I guess it allows them to not expose as much of their surface to the sun and that keeps the bush from wilting. Not a bad thing to do.

Yesterday, I dug up all my hazelnut plants and replanted them in pots. I'll be able to keep a closer eye on them for their water needs, and the soil is much looser so their little feet won't stay wet. I'm not sure if all of them are goners, but as I carried each one in a shovel full of dirt around to the big pots for replanting, I had a long talk with them. I told them that I was giving my all to them, and I expected them to give their all right back to me. It was a kind of plant pep talk, and I think they will respond to my request. They just need to work a bit harder, put out more effort, and they'll come around. I'm expecting to see some leaves within the week. This hot weather will be good for them. And I can watch them from my window as I work at my computer.

All the other trees are doing well in the hot weather.

And now I'm beginning to think about what kind of trees I'll plant this fall on the east side of the house. I need more morning and mid-morning shade to help cool the house. I'm thinking maybe a couple of sycamores. Or maybe sweetgum. They are fast growers, and this fall they could get a good start in setting down a good root system with the help of some fall and winter rain.

A couple of Hybrid Poplars are sprouting approximately 3 feet from the base of my single Poplar. I built a wider water basin around the foot of the tree so the sprouts will benefit from the watering schedule. This fall I'll probably dig the shoots up and plant them a few feet from the existing tree. They're definitely fast growers, if well watered, and they'll help to shade the south side of the house. Actually, I might plant them between the house and the garage on the west side, which is in dire need of shade trees.

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