Thursday, March 26, 2009

And da' weeds they are a-growin' . . . like weeds

This is either a giant dandelion or a local thistle. If it blooms before I get some Roundup on it, I'll be able to tell by the color of the flower.

What was only brown soil (read: dirt) less than a month ago, has turned into a green weedpatch from all the rain and snow that fell in March.

Where oh where did that lovely patch of gravel go? My plan to keep the weeds at bay hasn't been a perfect plan . . . obviously . . . however, I still have high hopes that once these lovelies feel the sting of some Roundup they'll go off to weed heaven or someone else's yard. And I only have until June 9 to get this finished. I'll start to spray tomorrow, if the wind dies down.

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