Now, I'm trying to decide if I should continue in the program. I've received a survey and an invitation to continue, but I'm somewhat discouraged by my past efforts. My fault, I'm sure, for not preparing a nice planting bed for them. But so far, that's how I've dealt with all my trees . . . . sticking them in the ground and giving them water, lots of it for the first couple of years, not as often after that. Some of the trees have flourished; some perished. But those that did make it are strong and robust and have been acclimated to the harsh conditions where I live. It's been "survival of the fittest" and some of the trees, such as the redbuds that went in the ground 5 years ago and that were the size of pencils and barely 12-inches high, now stand over 6-feet, and put forth hundreds of lovely blossoms each spring.
I will probably not continue in the Hazel Nut Program, at least for this year. I have yet to receive 4 crepe myrtle trees this fall, and have decided to give them a better start in a patch of good soil. They will be planted near the redbud forest, or maybe among the forest, and they will be a colorful addition to that part of the yard.
I will document their progress when I begin planting them.
For now, this is the section where the crepe myrtles will go.
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