Friday, August 1, 2008

Summer Flowers and Herbs

This planter has HotLips Salvia (the hummingbirds love it), Sage (variety unknown). Both of these plants have quadrupled in size since I planted them 3 months ago (original plants from Sycamore Farms, Templeton, CA). The planter also has Italian Parsley (grown from seed....rabbits love it when it first emerges from the soil), a large Parsley (that smells and tastes like celery), and a handful of Marigolds (sprouted from last year's blossoms, and looking for all the world like a Miracle-Gro advertisement (which is what they're growing in).

Oregano and English Thyme, planted in this pot 3 months ago (from smaller plants purchased at Sycamore Farms in Templeton, CA) are doing better than expected. The Oregano has spectacular flowers, and hasn't stopped blooming in the past 2 months.

My new Tropicana rose is making very small blossoms. I expect it will do better next year, after it's become acclimated to this area (and used to the care and feeding it gets from me). It's glorious orange shade doesn't come across well in these shots.

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