Friday, May 16, 2008

The Weather is HOT! The Garden is HOTTER!

The first zucchini of the season. This flower should turn into a little yellow fingerling (yellow zucchini) in a few days.

This little guy is the surprise of the year. I can't remember how many hazelnut plants I've started (thank you, The Arbor Day Foundation), and all have gone where all good and dead plants go. I was heartbroken when my last three plants never budded or leafed out this spring . . . then, wow! all of a sudden, this guy popped up. Skinny as he is, he's already got three leaves. He seems to have come from the roots of one of what I thought was a dead hazelnut. I'm all a-twitter.

The rose garden has a new member . . . this Tropicana, a Hybrid Tea patented in 1963, and wowing rose lovers for all these many years. It's now considered a non-patented rose (I just learned that this happens after a number of years to any patented rose), and it's going to add a beautiful orange color to the garden. I'll let her stay in the nursery pot for a week or two; then she'll get transplanted to a nice big pot where she can flourish and let her colors shine.

Last, but not least, the Hot Lips Salvia is doing so well in her little garden space. She really likes the bright sunshine and the warm weather. She's getting settled in her new home right now, and will soon grow quite large, attracting lots of hummingbirds to her brilliant red flowers.

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