Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Cat's Meow (and his teeth)

Took both cats to the Vet this morning. I'd been concerned about all the sneezing the little girl, Marmalade, was doing......she's always been a sometimes cougher and sneezer, but the incidents seemed to be increasing. Figured it was time for a physical checkup. We almost didn't take Puddy Tat along, since it meant scrunching the big boy in the too-small cat carrier, toting him out to the truck in 100-degree temps, then having him to put up with the prodding and poking at the Vet's.

Well, good thing we took both of them. Turned out Marmalade got a clean bill of health, A+ on the "how's she doing?" scale. The sneezing is normal for a long-hair, and nothing else showed up in the exam. Puddy, on the other hand, who also was perfectly healthy, appears to have gingivitis, and has to go back in October to have his teeth cleaned. How do you like that?

They were both glad to be back home and out of those little carriers, which are fine for short trips, but if I had to go any distance, I'd buy a larger carrier for each of them. Then, of course, I'd have to buy a larger pickup truck, one with full back seats. Oh, what a life we pet-owners to Rover and Jock-o and Sally and Kitty.

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