Friday, June 29, 2007

Movie Review -- The Illusionist

What, you ask, does a movie have to do with my private forest, trees, flowers, living things? Absolutely nothing.

Thing is, I watched The Illusionist last night and found it to be a wonderful movie--too wonderful not to "crow" about it (there, I got in something about birds). Edward Norton was superb in the lead, and Jennifer Beil lovely as the female lead. Paul Giamatti plays a great period-piece policeman. It's based on a short story, and although I usually go for the plain vanilla mystery, the detective film, the crime thriller, this movie (story) had me enthralled. The fact that it has a real gotcha! at the end doesn't hurt either.

If you like great acting, wonderful scenery, period pieces, action, a love story, and big surprises, you're sure to enjoy this one.

It's out on DVD now, and that's how I saw it. Be sure to watch it in wide screen.

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