The flowering plum, that was so disastrously hacked up by a gardener (who I immediately fired) is blossoming. It breaks my heart to think how beautiful I would have been this spring.

Here are photos of my large and small ash trees. This year, they have funny little, fuzzy thingees that popped out before the leaf buds appeared. I imagine they're pollenating something. . . .maybe each other? I'm trying to research on the internet what's going on with them. I didn't expect to see these (flowers?).

And last, but not least, here's the Poplar, which, surprisingly, seemed to grow another foot over the winter. How can that be?

Ooops, the Poplar wasn't "last" after all. I can't forget the lovely Redbuds that look ready to bloom any moment now. Maybe Thursday, the first day of Spring?